Full Disclosure

Full Disclosure

Last Updated: January 1, 2023


Education and Training

James Delong, its subsidiaries, and affiliates (collectively, “”) provides sales and marketing education and training. We do not sell a business opportunity or money-making system, and we make no earnings claims or guarantees. Training includes intellectual property materials protected by copyright. Duplication, reproduction, or distribution is prohibited.


Examples and Scenarios

Makes no representation regarding the likelihood of financial outcomes. Any historical returns or hypothetical scenarios are not guarantees of future performance. Investing involves risk and potential loss. Examples may include third-party data believed to be reliable but not guaranteed for accuracy.


Lending and Financing

Does not provide lending, credit, or credit consulting services. Such services are offered by independent third parties. does not receive compensation related to lending services and assumes no liability for actions, products, or content of third parties. Use of high-interest borrowing to purchase training or products may significantly reduce returns or cause losses beyond invested amounts.


Customer Surveys

We survey customers to improve service, though not all are training purchasers or implementers. Testimonials reflect individual experiences and are not typical results, which rely on personal effort, time, skill, and conditions. We do not track monetary results and provide no financial incentive for positive feedback. Published feedback is aggregate, non-identifiable data, shared with your permission.


Third Parties

We may link to or refer to third-party content we do not control or endorse. Third parties have their own terms, conditions, and policies. We assume no responsibility for third-party content. Some third parties we provide services with have common ownership with , but operate under their own terms and policies.


Third-party names, logos, and products are trademarks of their respective owners, and do not imply affiliation with or endorsement of .